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Bibi, also known as "The Curious Cat" by the A.A.H.W., is a female resident of Retropolis and one of the protagonist of Tuvster's Madness fan series Feelings.


Feelings 1: Curiosity


Feelings 1.5: Flee


Feelings 2: Pursue


Feelings 3: Foray

When detective Meeko encounters the A.T.P. Commander, he says "The girl was right, the Agency is breaking into the city.", referencing her warnings made in the episode prior.

Rush City

In the alternate storyline taking place in Miami, Bibi is initially shown at the beginning saying farewell to Frank and Kessler as the two leave off in their vehicles. As she begins to leave the scene she is suddenly ambushed by gangsters, who knock her out. Her face is later spotted in one of the gangsters' hideouts in a drawing board with the plans to exterminate the protagonists.

Bibi later appears tied up to a chair, face bruised and mouth taped shut as the group to rescue her and Alan arrives at the scene. Her fate is currently unknown.


Bibi is a female grunt with freckles and dark hair with a few red-tinted bangs running across. She's seen sporting a colorful outfit consisting of a black shirt with a logo reading "MAD AWESOME", purple pants, a jacket with multiple pins tied around her waist and a red cap she wears backwards. She's usually depicted with a chewing gum bubble of varying colors coming out of her mouth. Said bubble is colored pink during Feelings 1: Curiosity, whereas during Feelings 2: Pursue she's shown with a green bubble initially which is later replaced by a yellow one and then by a red one after she has warned the RJF.


Bibi's shown to have a casual personality during the beginning Feelings 1, eager to stomp out the Agency's grip of the abandoned factory alongside Victor. She however also shows a responsible side, being aware of the dangers that the Agency and its plan presents to her home city and acting upon it by warning the RJF of the upcoming agents wishing to take over Retropolis and clearing Victor's name.

Powers and Abilities

Combat Prowess

Much like Victor, Bibi shows promising combat skills with melee weapons, firearms and hand-to-hand combat, being able to best fierce opponents such as the Agency's Soldats or the Patova's Greasers.
