The Matter and Energy Reclamation Company (abbreviated as MERC) is a rag-tag group of mercenaries/laborers that appear in the game Madness: Project Nexus. They are portrayed to oppose the Status Quo, A.A.H.W. and Nexus Core at times.
Cinemadness: Subjugation
Madness Infiltration
Madness Target Collaboration
White Hank Zero: The Mulligan
In White Hank Zero: The Mulligan, a squad of MERC members is seen in combat with the AAHW and White Hank, notably the Go3lm Church. A sniper is seated on top of an NevMed ambulance, as a sargeant is behind a wall, after hank throws the guitar at the agent, combat insues, the sargeant kills the u-grunt but is then killed by the surviving agent, the agent notices the sniper and proceeds to fire his smg, but is killed by the Merc member with a headshot. White hank moves quickly towards and climbs up the NevMed ambulance, and pulls the sniper into the ground, as a Recruit is seen approaching, and shoots him, with the shots hitting the recruit and killing the newly arrived recruit, then the camera shifts to to show Kota and Andy.
Returning to White hank, she is seen fighting a Merc Recruit armed with a machete, which is easily killed with a bodyslam, while a Merczerker approaches her, armed with a crowbar, tries to hit the downed White hank, but is easily killed. After defeating an Alpha-Grunt, the Merc Go3lm "Church" approaches, and proceeds to battle her. She struggles with the eletric attacks, but proceeds to steal the dead Alpha Grunt's U-Vest. The camera shifts back to Kota, who is picked up by Grabel in a humvee and stops by to hand White a machete, which she uses to defeat the gas-masked behemoth. After the death of Church, 3 Mercs approach her, a sniper, a recruit and what resembles a gunner, but with a helmet, armed with auto-rifles, after a recruit is killed , Kirxee intervenes, killing the Sniper and gunner. No more merc apperances after this.
The MERC laborer is the lowest rank of the MERC and the only one not meant for conventional combat. They are dressed in the standard MERC uniform, an apron and a hardhat. They are rarely seen in combat due to their role as a factory worker instead of an actual soldier. They tend to be armed with low caliber pistols for self-protection or use wrenches, hammers and other construction tools. They are easily disposed of just like Recruits.
The MERC recruit (also known as Gunner class 0) is the lowest combat rank of the MERC and pretty much the MERC counterpart of the AAHW grunt. They are only dressed in a grey jumpsuit, the MERC uniform. They tend to fall during combat easily due to their lack of training. They are mostly deployed in groups to try and make up for their lack of combat skills.
The MERC Berzerker, also known as MERC Zerker or Gunner class 1 in concept art of Madness Project Nexus is a combat unit wich wears the MERC standard uniform and a mask. They are somewhat better in combat compared to the Recruits, but generally fall just as easy. They usually come equiped with pistols, shotguns or melee weapons ranging from knives to bats and swords.
The MERC Sniper (also known as Gunner Class 2) is a combat unit dressed in the usual MERC attire and sporting a grey cap. They tend to use mid to long-range firearms, mainly rifles and are somewhat more accurate than their lesser ranks.
The MERC Gunner (also known as Gunner Class 3) is a heavily armored MERC combat unit sporting a ballistic mask and a padded vest. They usually handle heavy rifles, or dual wields automatic weapons such as SMGs. They tend to stay in combat for slightly longer due to their heavier gear.
The MERC Sergeant is one of the high ranks of the MERC, sporting a set of pauldrons, a bulletproof vest and a beret. They usually fare better in combat then most of the MERC units and have a leader role over small squads.
The MERC Captain is the highest rank of the MERC, sporting a captain's cap, aviator glasses, dual pauldrons and a bulletproof vest. They also have a visible lower lip, much like Madness Combat main character Sanford. They are highly trained veterans that have access to both ranged and melee combat skills and are in charge of large squads.
Jorge is one half of the Gunner Twins duo, which consists of Church and Jorge. Being a GO3LM that belongs to the MERC, he serves as an antagonist for multiple stages throughout the entire game. Jorge retains the body form of a regular GO3LM, having a face with exposed flesh and being larger than others (1.5x). He wears a MERC uniform with blue stripes, a metal vest with "size matters" written on it, a gasmask, heavy boots and an ammo backpack.
Church is one half of the duo, the Gunner Twins. consisting of Church and Jorge. Being a GO3LM that belongs to the MERC, he serves as an antagonist for multiple stages throughout the entire game. Church retains the body form of a regular GO3LM, having a face with exposed flesh and being larger than others (1.5x). They have a black mohawk and a gas mask with four straps on their head. The gas mask's lenses glow blue and have an angry shape. Their body has a gray vest with caution tape around their torso. On their back, they have a backpack that has electricity on top.
3D units
Heavy Gunner
Twin Church V1
Twin Jorge V1
2D units
Merc recuit
Merc Laborer
Merc Sniper
Merc Gunner
Merc Sergant
Merc Captain