Awesome Smileys

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The Awesome Smileys are hordes of grunts with the distinctive "awesome smiley" emote slapped on their faces permanently. They first appeared alongside their "look of disapproval face" (ΰ² _ΰ² ) counterparts in a series of joke shorts by Krinkels, first of which named Crap. Although possessing expressions different from the original awesome smiley, other emoted grunts are grouped inside this kind. These include "lion" grunts, boggle eyed smileys and "UwU" faces.

They are the main antagonists in the Rozpierdalation series, and the ones fueling the immense hatred and rage displayed by Roz.




Default Smiley

The default awesome smileys are the most common and numerous. They generally sport the same appearance as the common nevadean, but with the awesome smiley emoji face. They appear with a variety of different outfits, including, but not limited to, civilian clothing, A.A.H.W. outfits and gear, police vests, bandit clothing, "mall ninja" gear and even stylish fezzes. A few smileys appear with different kinds of deformities, like boggled eyes, missing teeth, concave heads, etc.

Alternative Smiley

Some smileys have a different smile shape that isn't the exact same as the awesome smiley. Their behavior and skills remain the same as usual smileys, however.


A few of the awesome smileys don't actually smile, such as the "poker face" (:|) void smileys from Rozpierdalation 10+11. Like alternative smileys, their behavior and capabilities doesn't change from this superficial difference.

UwU Grunt

Some grunts alongside the smileys have a face resembling the UwU emoji. Their behavior is the same as the usual smiley, though a particularly skilled UwU face grunt from the Void does give Roz a tough fight in the beginning of Rozpierdalation 12.

Lion Grunt

Lion grunts have a particularly furry appearance, with a feline snout and animalistic ears. They appeared first in Krinkel's short Garbage, where one of them claims to be an actual lion. They have small, black beady eyes and don't tend to have many expressions aside from occasionaly showing an angry face. Despite these differences, their overall behavior, appearances and items are the same as other smileys.

Void Smileys

The void smileys are native to the Void, having completely white skin and generally lacking any special outfits. Their appearances can be of any of the aforementioned smiley variants, though sometimes they are depicted with black marks around their mouthes (possibly a black liquid). They are subject to the strange effects of the void itself, but have the same tendencies as their nevadean or "Bottom Text" counterparts.

Powers and Abilities

Despite their different appearance, it doesn't seem like awesome smileys possess any special powers on their on. Similarly to ordinary grunts, they are capable of using many different weapons, including melee weapons, firearms and heavy weapons like machine guns. They can also use other utilities like googles and bulletproof shields, as well as operate vehicles.

When it comes to combat skill, smileys have varying levels of expertise. Most of them are not very skillful, having slow reaction times, poor aim and most notably, poor tactical knowledge, not much different from the average nevadean grunt. There are a few decently skilled smileys, however, such as the first knife wielding UwU assailant at the beginning of Rozpierdalation 12. Other smileys can also be a lot below average, such as the smiley with brain damage that appears in Rozpierdalation 16, being unusually slow and numb to the situation.



  • Awesome Smileys retain their smiles even when dead or in pain. The only time a Smiley's smile has faltered is in the beginning of Rozpierdalation 4, when one is trapped between a wall of fallen debris and the kill wall.