Bill Barsch

From Madness Combat Wiki

Bill Barsch is a Madness character created by Gabriel Barsch. He’s Gabriel Barsch's brother and seems to fight him on occasion, proving to be a pretty powerful individual. He debutted in a very old animation titled The Barsch Bros. 1.

He also appears in Rozpierdalation 4 as the main target of Roz and Mr. Extile.


Similarly to his brother, Bill Barsch has an expressed mouth and eyes, medium hair and the usual features of a Madness character (floating hands, gray skin, etc). Unlike his brother, however, he wears dark blue overhauls and his hair is black. Unlike his brother, Bill is shown with recently shaved facial hair (while Gabriel usually has no facial hair at all).

Due to his limited appearances in older movies (aside from Rozpierdalation 4), despite his expressed face, Bill hasn't been shown to express many emotions, only using "stock" expressions like the "awesome smiley" and the "disapproval face" emotes.


In Rozpierdalation, Bill Barsch appears much older, having lost a large part of his hair, developed wrinkles on his forehead, getting gray hair and grown a full beard. He also seems to possess a tattoo or some other mark on the back of each of his hands. He doesn't smile, always keeping a disapproval face while fighting Roz.


The Barsch Bros. 1

After the animation's intro, Gabriel Barsch appears poking Bill Barsch with his finger. Bill Barsch is shown to be annoyed and, with a very elongated fingers, grabs and pokes Gabriel twice with his fingers, stabbing him to death.

The scene then cuts to Gabriel Barsch showing up while Bill is playing an acoustic guitar, and says its dinner time. Bill ignores and keeps happily playing his guitar, and Gabriel asks once more, now with red eyes and stressed out. After being ignored again, Gabriel proceeds to grab Bill's guitar, causing his smile to fade as he turns to his brother with a disapproved face and fires his laser vision at him, knocking Gabriel on the floor.

Bill then grabs a chair and smashes Gabriel with it, then uses the chair to cut Gabriel in half. After that he laughs and exclaims "my brother is die LOLOLOLOL", both in portuguese and english.

In the next scene, Bill arrives late at the scene to find Gabriel's body scattered accross the room, with LOL written in blood on the wall, after he pooped too hard. Bill is shocked by what he sees and exclaims "motherfucker" and "P.Q.P.", then "MY BROTHER IS DIE" again, both in english and portuguese. He questions "BUT WHY" and angrily shouts "WHO WILL CLEAN THIS BULLSHIT???", having his head immediately grow to huge proportions. His head then detaches from his body and rolls off the room, breaking through the wall and moving out into the wilderness as the Sun shines and starts shaking with boggled eyes. His headless body chases his rolling head, but as he exists the broken wall, the Sun attaches to his body, forming a new being.

Gabriel somehow revives from his pooping, having reattached all parts of his body and crying out for revenge (with his face resembling Jesus in Madness Combat 8), but as he is doing that, Bill's huge head falls from the sky and knocks him down. Gabriel then grabs Bill (now normal again) and starts carrying him to a street, where he throws him at the incomming traffic. Bill is juggled between cars and falls on the floor, bleeding. Gabriel then takes his sunglasses off and claims his makeup hurts, then calling Bill a "mother fucker" and saying "P.Q.P.".

A couple scenes later, Bill reappears alongside his brother, who punches him in the face, causing him to spit blood. Gabriel says sorry, then starts punching him several times, causing Bill's head to fall off his body as Gabriel says "sorry again". Gabriel then pulls out a long revolver and shoots Bill's face and body thrice, saying "uhhhhhh sorry".

Gabriel and Bill reappear side by side, this time both armed with red lightsabers. Bill says "I need to tell a thing to you", then shouts "I AM YOUR BROTHER", and Gabriel responds with "NO U". The scene then cuts to a strange weapon falling from the sky. Bill says "A weapon of rabbit stick", causing Gabriel to get mad with red eyes and say "for the last time", "the name is", "bunny", "kill", as he telekinitically holds the weapon with a electric shock and shoots it twice in Bill's face.

Bill appears another two scenes later without feet and a large smile, staring at Gabriel. He claims "I will do my cooper" and asks Gabriel "give me your foots please", causing Gabriel's feet to detach from his body and hover to Bill's body, making Gabriel fall down and say "Ohhhhhh the pain, the agony, the tribulation", and Bill simply responds "thanks".


In his pursuit to kill Madness, Roz finds the whereabouts of Bill Barsch. He enters the basement where he is jailed, and Bill effortlessly frees himself by cutting the jail bars with his laser vision.

Bill walks out of his jail carefree, unimpressed by Roz, who immediately shoots 3 magnum bullets on his face. The bullets enter his skin but seem to do little to no damage. Roz goes on the offensive, throwing his revolver at Bill, who deflects it. Roz starts throwing punches at Bill, all of which are either blocked, missed or have no effect on Bill. Bill grabs his hand and throws a punch that sends Roz flying into the wall.

He walks towards Roz, telling him (in portuguese) he is pathetic and even his brother wasn't this weak. He then proceeds to smash Roz several times, breaking his bones, before Mr. Extile appears at the scene in a split of a second, unbeknownst to Bill.

With some kind of new power and with Extile shaped eyes, Roz is able to block Bill's punches and starts throwing melee attacks once again, despite them yet not being effective. Despite this, Bill is slightly impressed, raising his eyebrown as he exclaims "seriously?" and attacks in return, claiming this is a waste of time. Roz is able to phase through Bill, grabbing him from behind and using his own weight to smash him on the floor.

After a couple exchanges, Roz grabs his revolver again and shoots Bill at the back of his head. Bill is unable to land any attacks, hitting the floor instead of Roz, who grabs him from behind and fires yet another round into the same bullet hole he shot earlier, pushing the bullet inside Bill's head. Bill tries to punch him but is unable to do anything as Roz angles his head to fire again at his now exposed brains. As Roz angles his head and Bill remains helpless, he shouts "PUTA QUE PARIU" in horror before his face is blown to bloody pieces by the third bullet's exit wound, killing him.


Not much is known about Bill Barsch's personality. In The Barsch Bros. 1, he seems to be pretty carefree, ignoring dinner time while playing his guitar, but quickly getting serious as his hobby gets interrupted by his brother.

In Rozpierdalation, Bill Barsch's personality is more explored. He is a very stoic individual, remaining in his prison cell for apparently no reason (as he could easily break free at any time and none of the awesome smileys that kept him there were a threat to him) other than maybe boredom or nihilism, even though the death of Madness is approaching.

When Roz invades the basement where he is kept, he breaks free of his cell, maybe curious about what Roz has to offer, and is initially unimpressed, barely trying to fight as Roz is unable to do any real damage to him. Throughout most of the fight, this demeanor is kept, with him claiming Roz is weak and even after his boost, still saying this is a waste of time (though his raised eyebrowns show he saw some hidden potential in Roz). Near the end of the fight, Bill starts to get overpowered, making him stop talking and focus more, actually trying to get Roz off him, but ultimately failing, leading to a shift in his demeanor, as he realizes in horror that he is actually about to die, prompting him to loudly curse as his head is blown up, finally showing a vivid sign of fear.


Bill Barsch is shown to be immensely powerful, even when compared to other Madness protagonists. Despite their extraordinary capabilities, characters like Gabriel Barsch and Roz fall short when fighting Bill evenly. His main capabilities come from his sheer strength and durability, unmatched by any of his foes and comparable to MAG level characters, despite his normal size.

In terms of physical strength, Bill seems to be, at the very least, far superior to Roz, who is already capable of smashing skulls and breaking baseballs bats in half with his bare hands. This is supported by Bill's claims that his brother is weak, and his overall stoic nature, which indicates he doesn't take fighting too seriously as most other characters seem to be a low bar to him. His strength is backed up by incredible durability, possibly due to an incredibly dense skeleton, allowing him to remain indifferent to direct revolver caliber bullets going straight to his face (again, Roz is capable of cracking skulls open with his bare hands yet is nearly incapable of harming Bill). In contrast, any head-level bullet wound is shown to be lethal to Gabriel.

Outside of raw strength, Bill also possess powerful laser vision that he uses against his brother, capable of cutting through solid steel bars as shown in Rozpierdalation. Despite not being as impressive as other protagonists, Bill also possess above average reflexes, being able to deflect a thrown revolver at his face and dodge some attacks from Roz (who is a very skilled fighter). His fighting skills also seem to be above average, though he is overpowered by Roz after he gets a power boost from Mr. Extile, revealing his overreliance on sheer strength ultimately resulted in his downfall.



  1. The Barsch Bros. 1
    1. Stabbed Gabriel Barsch to death with his finger.
    2. Sliced Gabriel Barsch in half with a chair.

Collabs and others




  1. The Barsch Bros. 1
    1. Thrown in the middle of a street by Gabriel Barsch and ran over by multiple cars.
    2. Punched and dismantled by Gabriel Barsch then shot twice in the chest and once in the face with a revolver.
    3. Head blown apart of his body by Gabriel's "bunny kill" gun.

Collabs and others

  1. Rozpierdalation 4 - Executed by Roz with a revolver by getting shot in his open bullet wound at the back of his head.


  • In the Madness Iceberg, Bill Barsch is claimed to be the only character capable of defeating Gabriel Barsch in a one-on-one fight.
