David Abnormis

From Madness Combat Wiki

David Abnormis is the protagonist of Abnormis: DEPARTURE, a madness combat fan animation created by Zapchon.



David debuts in this animation, being tasked with delivering a strange device to an ally, Zach Somnum in order to avoid the destruction of countless dimensions. He is transported to Nowhere, where he faces off against multiple foes such as agents, geared soldiers and even a portal-spawning man. He fights his way through a facility and makes his way out into the strange new dimension.


David sports a dark grey shirt underneat a dark brown coat and grey fingerless gloves. He has shaved facial hair stylized in a gotee and moustache.

Skills and abilities

Combat prowess

David exhibits experience in shooting and melee combat, being capable of disposing of foes with a multitude of different weapons.


David sports great dexterity, being able to dodge gunshots and even hitting knives and swords with his own.