Mag Bandit

From Madness Combat Wiki
Mag Bandit
File:Bandits Mag Front.png
Mag Bandit concept art from Kickstarter
Debut: MADNESS: Project Nexus
Appearances: 1 (game only)
Role(s): Antagonist, Boss
Deaths: 1
Allies: Bandits
Enemies: Hank, Sanford, Deimos

The bandits took him in. They nursed him back to health, this ravening, hulking monstrosity. Eventually he came to watch over them like family. It was a stupid plan, taking in this monster. And now it's your problem.
- Madness: Project Nexus 2 Kickstarter

The Mag Bandit is a boss character featured in MADNESS: Project Nexus.

The Mag Bandit features in two boss fights, first in front of the city gates in a fight with Hank, and second in the sewers in a battle with Sanford and Deimos. He primarily attacks by tossing bounders and swinging improvised weapons such as lampposts. Among other Bandits, he is referred to as, "The Hungry Boy". During the credits, the Bandit tribes outside Nexus City are shown searching for the Mag Bandit, who was killed in the sewer battle.


The Mag Bandit has 3 phases, his first phase only consists on him pommeling people and slamming the ground. In his second phase, he runs towards a pile of scrap and garbage and throws them at you. In his last phase. He runs to a lamppost, uproots it, and use it as a weapon. During all of these phases, bandits will constantly spawn, you don't have to worry about them since them will sometimes get accidentally hit by the Mag Bandit. You can use the weapons dropped by normal bandits to deal more damage to the boss.


  • He is the only Mag Agent who isn't affiliated with the A.A.H.W. or Nexus Core.
  • Krinkels has said on stream that despite what one would think, the Mag Bandit is not the leader of the Bandit tribe that follows him, just another member that they are very fond of.
  • Concept art claims that the Bandits have entrenched the Mag Bandit in the lower levels of the Science Tower. In the final game this was changed: Bandits instead roam outside Nexus City, while the Science Tower's depths are overrun by a rival faction of Fanatics.

