Other N'Other

From Madness Combat Wiki

"Other N'Other" is a creature that appears in Project Creber: Extrication Part 2, most likely created by the A.A.H.W.. It walks a bit before being stabbed by Creber.


During the events of Project Creber: Extrication Part 1, Other N'Other was held captive in Experiment Site 04 with other creations. Despite it's visible marks of invasive experimentation, it was shown to be docile enough to be grouped together with other similar creations.

When Creber reached the site and began killing off personnel, the scientists at the location released the experiments in a last ditch effort to slay Creber. It's unknown if the creations were held in different cells and were only grouped when the scientist released them, or if they were always grouped in the same cell, regardlessly, they show no agression towards each other and all came after Creber as soon as unleashed.

Other N'Other was slow, unstable and very ill. It walked a bit and was cut and stabbed by Creber, who saw it as a threat to him, causing it to shake and blow up it's face, spitting blood on Creber's face. The blinded Creber clone was then shot down by Slitclops.


Other N'Other was very unstable and possibly one of the worst of the experiments in Experiment Site 04 in terms of health. It was unable to walk properly due to it's multiple unstable heads and hands. It's unknown if it had any other special powers, though it's fast shaking head implies it is "glitching" out, similarly to Scrapeface.


  • This creature initially had no name and was given one by a forum user, who suggested it to Potke and he agreed with it.