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The Suppressor is a heavily-armored unit of the A.A.H.W. that appeared in Project Creber: Extrication Part 2. Nigh-invulnerable to all forms of damage, The Suppressor almost successfully terminated Creber, though he, too, was eventually overwhelmed, disarmed of his weapon, and killed with a knife to the chin.

The Suppressor, drawing inspiration from random sci-fi things and playing a role similar to the "Combine Suppressor" of Half-Life: Alyx,[1][2] is made by Potke, while Scorpack and ShootDaCheese (who both collaborated with Potke to make QuadMag Prototype: Grindjaw) worked on the sprites.[3]


The Suppressor is a cyborg, a Nevadean whose entire body was heavily modified for the purpose of being perfectly rigged to a thick suit of armor. The individual's original eyes are no longer used, as the small red optics of his helmet are wired directly into his brain.[4] This means that his current "eyes" are smaller and harder to hit, while his helmet can no longer be taken off, with it being implied that The Suppressor does not eat food by conventional means anymore, instead relying on gastric ports that go through his sides, like the "Stalkers" of Half-Life.[5] Given how thick his suit is, The Suppressor is able to withstand most conventional attacks, allowing him to charge through a hail of gunshots without fear of getting damaged. Even more powerful weapons, like Enigma's plasma sniper rifle, could leave nothing more but a slightly-melted dent on his helmet. However, The Suppressor is not fully-armored, as his chin is left completely bare and vulnerable.

The Suppressor, much like Creber, relies on Replication Support Gas stored on his back (albeit in a single large pack rather than four individual capsules), though it is unknown if he uses it for anything other than ammunition. With his RSG supply, The Suppressor can fire concentrated red bolts of plasma from the four-barreled Gatling gun that fully covers his right hand, while his power source extends a pair of tubes to vent out excess energy in the form of red mist, preventing the weapon from overheating.[6]

However, should an enemy attack The Suppressor from behind, the RSG supply powering his machine gun can be quickly destroyed, not only denying The Suppressor of his ammunition, but also likely disabling the gun itself (as shown when his gun dropped limply to the ground soon after his pack was destroyed, implying that the pack may have also been providing him the strength to simply lift the heavy piece of machinery up), hence, while able to provide an almost-impenetrable frontal assault, The Suppressor needs allies to prevent enemies from outflanking or getting behind him, as well as provide additional firepower.


Near the end Project Creber: Extrication Part 2, as Creber made his way further down the A.A.H.W. complex he was held in, he came to an area exposed to the outside, where he is once again aided by Enigma, who provided covering fire with his plasma sniper rifle. The Engineer present on the scene received a message on his tablet from a mysterious figure clad in white clothes and blue cybernetic components, who gave orders to "apprehend the traitor" (Enigma) while he sends in The Suppressor to deal with Creber. One of the two Soldats present received confirmation of this on his headset. The Suppressor emerged from the next section's entrance, with Creber and his clones immediately firing at him. Shaking his left fist angrily, The Suppressor advanced forward, his armor not even dented by the gunshots, before he raised his right hand - a four-barreled machine gun - and fired back bolts of red energy. Two of the three Creber clones present were immediately killed, while the survivor got knocked to the floor, the upper-left Replication Support Gas (RSG) canister on his back destroyed by The Suppressor's shots, disabling his cloning ability and greatly weakening him. As Creber is left spitting blood behind a defensive barrier, Enigma attempted to stop The Suppressor with a headshot, but this simply left a heated orange dent on the left side of his helmet. Briefly stunned but suffering no real damage, The Suppressor returned to pointing his gun at Creber's position, while Enigma's hideout got assaulted by a small A.A.H.W. squad consisting of three agents, two Engineers, and a Soldat.

Enigma ws eventually able to eliminate every member of the squad sent against him, and at the same time, Creber grabbed an RSG canister off the back of one of his dead clones, allowing him to replace his broken RSG canister and recover. As The Suppressor, with two Soldats and an Engineer behind him, closed in on the barrier Creber is hiding behind, Enigma sniped the heads of the three A.T.P. units with a single shot, briefly startling The Suppressor. With this distraction, Creber rushed in with four clones. The Suppressor gunned down two of the clones, then tackled the third clone to the ground before firing in his face, which gave the last clone the opportunity to somersault over The Suppressor and destroy the pack on his back with a submachine gun, likely disabling The Suppressor's own weapon. With his heavy machine gun dropping and falling useless to the ground, The Suppressor turned around and tried to swat Creber with the back of his left hand, only for Creber to quickly hook up his helmet with a crowbar and stick a knife up his unarmored chin, causing the heavily-armored fighter to fall backwards on the ground, dead.


  • When asked, Potke confirmed that The Suppressor was always planned to have a gun, and that the concept art by DREADMAN simply did not include it since the gun was designed by someone else.[2]
  • When asked why Creber didn't just simply infect The Suppressor with his essence and kill him by generating a clone within him in the same way that he killed an agent earlier in Extrication Part 2, Potke stated that he simply sacrificed logic for the cool factor while making the story. He did, however, add that, because of The Suppressor's thick layers of armor, Creber would have probably not been able to pull this off even if he tried, and, as a result, would have only spawned a clone next to The Suppressor rather than inside him.[7] This makes sense given how The Suppressor also utilizes Replication Support Gas, and therefore should be airtight enough to keep RSG both in and out.[6]
  • Given how its pack holds Replication Support Gas, The Suppressor's power pack getting destroyed by Creber can be seen as an ironic echo of what he did to Creber earlier, having critically weakened him when he shot one of the four RSG canisters on Creber's back.
