The False God

From Madness Combat Wiki

Pink Hank, or Spank (originally Pank) is a recurring antagonist in the WhiteHank series, serving as the main antagonist of Madness WhiteHank 2: With Vengeance and the secondary protagonist of Madness WhiteHank Zero: The Mulligan.


Madness WhiteHank

Pink Hank appears at the end of the animation, shooting White Hank with a revolver and claiming "he's the gayest one out here" before being shot by Clee3rd's character.

Madness WhiteHank 2: With Vengeance

After White Hank killed original Hank, Pink Hank jumped out from the cliffs and attempts to shoot her. White Hank grabs the revolver and Pink takes cover on Black Hank’s corpse while White takes shots. Pink grabs Hank’s shotgun, but she tackles him to the edge of the cliff. White grabs on to the edge while Pink holds on to her leg. Noticing it, she tries to get Pink Hank off of her leg to no avail as Pink making a high jump from her leg and gave her a shotgun to make White fall down.

Pink Hank later reappears when he bursts out of the body of a Mag Agent V2 and steals back the remote from White Hank. He despawns all corpses before grabbing her and throwing her down to the the next bottom floor.

After White Hank and Kryy show up to confront Pink Hank again, Pink Hank summons a binary sword from the sky and uses it to break off the platform he, White Hank and Kryy are standing on before levitating it up into the sky. As the platform soars upward, Pink Hank pulls out his remote control and uses it to summon four more Upgraded Grunts to attack White Hank and Kryy. As White Hank and Kryy deal with the Grunts, Grabel attacks Pink Hank, only for Pink Hank to vertically bisect Grabel by creating a portal from inside his body, which promptly sucks up the two halves of his body before disappearing. White Hank then enters the scene again to face Pink Hank. As they are standing off against each other, Koty suddenly appears through a portal chasing after a package as two Eye Monsters pursue him, but the Eye Monsters grab him and the package before teleporting away. Pink Hank then psychically grabs Wank and chucks her away off the platform.

White Hank lands on a damaged road and finds herself faced by five more Upgraded Grunts. The Upgraded Grunts charge at her, but White Hank fights off and kills two of them, causing the other three to fall back and regroup. She then grabs a pistol and uses it to kill two more of the Upgrading Grunts as the last remaining one teleports away. More and more Upgraded Grunts then start charging at White Hank as she pulls out a second pistol and uses her pistols to fight them off. She then climbs to the top of a mound as Pink Hank teleports behind her to face her again. She aims one of her pistols at Pink Hank but Pink Hank grabs it and disarms her before summoning a portal to chuck her through. As he tosses her through the portal though White Hank gets one shot off at Pink Hank's face before falling through, only for Pink Hank to catch the bullet. However, White Hank then suddenly appears behind Pink Hank, her injuries fully healed, and tears her head off of her body. She then says "Enough playing" and pulls out his remote control. She presses a button on it and says "No Wank3" before jumping off the mound as the remote control creates a black hole that sucks up Pink Hank's body and everything around it.

Madness WhiteHank Zero: The Mulligan

Pink Hank is seen teleporting inside a facility within the moon, base belonging to the A.A.P.W., where he engages and kills most of it's security forces, going through the sewers and then escaping the moon via a moonshot escape pod, which he uses to arrive to earth and eventually engage White Hank in the future.


  • Hank's abilites
  • self duplication
  • portal creation
  • weapon creation


  • White Hank, along with pink hank in the Wank collabs were inspired by a Madness Project Nexus 2 Kickstarter backer reward in 2014.[1]
