Eye Monsters

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Template:Infobox Species

The Eye Monsters are a group of grunt-like creatures possessing a distinctive eye at the center of their facial crosses. Though their long-term goals are unknown, they seek the mysterious package present in Paradigmadness and Paradigmadness 2, as well as making an appearance working alongside Crimson's Agents in Rebooting The Madness 2. Their origins were to be explored in the cancelled Rebooting The Madness 3 - where it was to be revealed that the Eye Monsters were a failed experiment by Professor Dordum in an attempt to mass-produce enhanced fighters, this resulted in them being incredibly unpredictable and being hesitantly deployed by Crimson as a wild-card. While the only Eye Monsters seen in the series have been allied with Crimson's Agents, it was also noted that some of the creatures have broken off from the majority and seek their own ends.

Because of their foothold on Nevada, the Eye Monsters are opposed by the A.A.H.W., who also seek total dominance and control of the region. In addition to this, the Eye Monsters are also fighting against a group of resistance fighters who seek to deliver a certain package.


Normal Eye Monster

The most common of the creatures, possessing the distinctive eye at the center of their facial crosses and no other distinctive features aside from their claws. While some carry weapons, most prefer to simply use hand-to-hand combat and their other natural abilities, like firing a beam from their eye. Along with every other variant of Eye Monster, they posses the ability to teleport at will, although it seems that they are in some way limited from using this ability too often.

Uniformed Eye Monsters

Uniformed Eye Monsters wear tuxedos similar to 1337 Agents and often carry firearms. Though they appear to be ranked above normal Eye Monsters, they do not seem to be anymore adept at fighting than their basic counterparts.

Elite Eye Monsters

Elite Eye Monsters dress similar to uniformed ones except they wear a mask with a single red eyepiece in the center on their faces. Despite appearances, the plating of the mask seems to provide little to no additional protection against attacks. They possess more enhanced combat skills and appear to act as commanders for lesser Eye Monsters. Even with their implied leadership role over other variants, the fact that Elites aren't always with groups of regular Cyclopes would imply that most of them act autonomously or "pick and choose" their teams.

Unnamed Laser Eye Monster

Laser Eye Monster Appear in White Hank 0.They have a device on their head which allows them to shoot a possibly more powerful orange laser.They seem to be as skilled as Uniformed Eye Monsters

Super Soldier Eye Monster

Super Soldier Eye Monsters are the super soldier varient of the Eye Monsters.They wear a suit with a Yellow tie and have a Device on their heads.They seem to be as Trained as Uniformed Eye Monsters

Scientist Eye Monster

Scientists are Eye Monsters who operate the technology of the group. They are not particularly skilled in combat instead focusing on maintaining the weapons and vehicles used by their kind. They also appear to be adept enough at piloting aircraft, judging from their ability to fly the A.A.M.O aircraft in Paradigmadness 2. They seem to be responsible for research too, as they're seen attempting to subdue a Mag Agent that was likely created by them. Out of all other variants, these are encountered the least due to their technical skills over any sort of real combat role.

Mag Eye Monster

A unique Mag Agent eye monsters, the Magnified Eye Monster wears a tuxedo similar to the uniformed Eye Monsters and a rectangular yellow visor over it's eye. There seems to be only a single Mag Eye Monster as this one appears in both Paradigmadness 1 and 2 - appearing wounded in the second installment after its battle with a correspondent. This Mag is ultimately killed when one of the correspondents activate

Powers and Abilities

Compared to regular Grunts, Eye Monsters possess greater strength and endurance, with two Eye Monsters able to rip apart an Engineer as well as three managing to take down a GOL3M with some ease, though one can still be easily taken out with a shot from a firearm. Like most inhabitants of Nevada, Eye Monsters are all proficient in wielding firearms and are decent at melee combat, especially with their claws. All Eye Monsters also have the ability to shoot a weak energy beam from their eye on occasion, in addition to short/mid-range teleportation.

Paradigmadness 2 also appears to shed some light on the possible origins of these creatures, as during a few parts of the film Eye Monsters are seen painting odd ritualistic murals on rooms, often adorned with spiral patterns. These marking appear to have a true purpose other than vanity, as during Abaddon's trek through an occupied sky scraper the ritual patterns are shown to absorb the corpses of a few Eye Monsters into a pool of black liquid, summoning some greater creature in the process. There are other miscellaneous moments throughout the movie that hint at a vague connection between this black substance and the spiral-like ritual sites, but much beyond what is seen in the project is speculation.
