
From Madness Combat Wiki

Preacher is a protagonist in the Madness Combat collaboration Paradigmadness.

He is voiced in Paradigmadness by Mick "RicePirate" Lauer.


Preacher burst into Seeker's workshop as Seeker was working on a transport and seals the door before going over to his computer. Informing Seeker that the Eye Monsters have arrived early, Preacher uses Seeker's computer to notify the other correspondents to be ready. He then hands Seeker a package and tells him to take it to the correspondence facility, telling him that unless package reaches its destination everything they've worked for will be lost.

Three Eye Monsters then break through the door and shoot lasers at Seeker, but Preacher steps in front of Seeker to block the attack. He tells Seeker to go deliver the package while he stays to hold the Eye Monsters off.

As Seeker leaves through a tunnel that reaches to just outside the facility, Preacher stays behind and fights the Eye Monsters. After being severely injured, Preacher detonates the explosives in the facility, causing the building to erupt into an explosion and kill the Eye Monsters just as Seeker reaches its outskirts.