
From Madness Combat Wiki

Sokar is the main antagonist of REALM, He is a rogue employer possessing the body of Yeelon Mekyr who seeks to claim Nevada.

It is unknown what his ultimate goal is, nor why he is purple like the other employers. He claims to be the very concept of Madness itself, which is a very unusual claim. Every employer has a mark on their eye to distinguish them, Sokar's being a vertical cut near the edge of his eye.

Unlike the other employers, he is purple and has 2 as of yet seen forms, his main one is his skull-like state, which is the natural true form for every Employer. Although unlike other Employers, Sokar has only one pupil, while every other Employer has two. He is also purple, while others are red.

His other form is a flat black glitching circle with red glowing eyes, and bloody teeth and tentacles that come out of it's back.

A minor form of his seen in Yeelon Madness 2 is a black fire orb with Yeelon's face.

Realm: Relevation

After Ra and Osiris and the Other Employer chasing down Dr. Zalamander however after Osiris shot both Of The Employers Ra, and The Other, Sokar called Osiris A "Β !!!!!TRAITOR!!!!!" However Sokar came back fighting Kelzad Sokar went down after Kelzad entered the Portal Sokar comes back but different form (The Dark Smiley) then comes out from the rug and grabs Kelzad and trapped him in a room with a portal realm