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allies(s): Jack Wernicke (Temporary)

Awez (Temporary)

affiliation: A.A.M.O

AAHW (Formerly)

enemies: Nexus Core

Yeelon Mekyr
Hank J. Wimbleton
Anti-Smoking Agency
Eye Monsters

creator: Jsoull

Abaddon is a character who appears in Jsoull's animations. He is an elite soldier of the A.A.M.O, created to serve as their ultimate weapon against the vigilantes of Nevada. His personality is comprised of both an ATP Engineer and the Auditor, who resides within the Halo implanted inside Abaddon's Skull.


He was originally an A.T.P. Engineer of the A.A.H.W. until he was killed by the Anti-Smoking Agency and had his corpse recovered by the A.A.M.O. The A.A.M.O restored his body into a fully cybernetic form and implanted the Halo artifact in his head to grant him powerful abilities. Additionally, the Halo serves as a vessel for the Auditor, implying that he holds some sort of control. Whether the original A.T.P. Engineer or the Auditor holds the position of the dominant personality within this body is currently unknown.


Abaddon's armored body plates resemble that of a more intricate A.A.H.W. suit/uniform, albeit with a darker palette and a crimson inner shirt. The 'suit' itself is visibly segmented into plates, three on each side and one in the middle making up a 'crest'. Likewise, his head is also segmented into 4 plates, the lower segments making up the jaw and the remaining 2 being the face-plates. Abaddon's hands are fully robotic, yet still resemble a regular grunt's hands with 3 fingers and a thumb. The palms of the hands are also adorned with small red orbs which are settled within a seam which runs along the inside of the palm, but the purpose behind these are currently unknown. He wears black cleats with white mid-soles and heels, segmented via a glowing red inseam that separates the other lighter colored segments.


Madness Abduction

Before his transformation, Abaddon was an A.T.P. Engineer of the A.A.H.W. as he was guarding the outside of a base, another A.T.P. Engineer offered him a cigarette, to which he accepted and lit up. After his fellow Engineer left on a motorbike, he was shot with a tranquilizer dart by an agent of the Anti-Smoking Agency, who took notice of him smoking.

He was later brought to an A.S.A. cell, but managed to escape when an A.S.A. agent by beating him up with a vent grate and fleeing. Once outside the cell, the Engineer finds more A.S.A. agents who attack him, but the Engineer fights them off with his fists, picking up a knife from one of the deceased agents. The Engineer stabs two more agents with the knife before swapping it out for a pistol.

Heading to the next room, the Engineer engages in a gunfight with the agents guarding it and shoots them all before picking up a submachine gun and proceeding into the next room. As he leaves, an elite A.S.A. agent named Gerald shoves a partially beaten l33t Agent into the room. In the next room, the Engineer easily shoots all the agents stationed in it from behind a glass screen before Gerald enters and confronts him. Gerald attempts to shoot the Engineer but the Engineer takes him out with a shot to the head from a colt revolver before shooting another A.S.A. agent that entered. However, right before falling to the ground, the A.S.A. agent fires off a shot that hits the Engineer in the waistside and injures him. Despite his wound, the Engineer proceeds on to the adjacent room.

In the room, the Engineer finds himself faced with more A.S.A. agents but shoots them all. Gerald reappears, having gotten back up despite his injury but the Engineer quickly shoots him again before finishing off the rest of the rest of the agents and heading onward. In the next room, the Engineer stuns the guards stationed there with a flash bang before shooting all of them. Gerald returns again, armed with a flaming sword, and charges at the Engineer only for the Engineer to shoot him again. An elite A.S.A. agent armed with a riot shield and bulletproof vest the enters the room but the Engineer manages to kill him as well. In the following room, the Engineer kills two more A.S.A. agents and engages in a brief fight with an elite A.S.A. agent before killing him too. As two more elite A.S.A. agents and a revived, zombified Gerald enter the room, the Engineer flees into the next room. Gerald pursues him, but the Engineer shoots him and manages to kill him for good, shooting his head off for good measure. The Engineer then shoots and kills an elite A.S.A. agent before being stabbed through the chest by a katana thrown by one of the A.S.A. agents.

The badly wounded Engineer pulls the katana out and crawls outside the A.S.A. HQ. An elite A.S.A. agent then comes outside and puts a gun to the injured Engineer's head. The Engineer simply says "JUST DO IT..." and the elite A.S.A. agent shoots him right before the screen cuts to black.

The Engineer accepts his fate, unwitting to what the future has in store for his corpse.

Madness: Artifact

The Engineer's body was later recovered by the A.A.M.O to be used as the vessel for their ultimate weapon. His body was completely reconstructed, converting him into "Abaddon". To supply him with power, the Halo, which contained the spirit of the Auditor, was implanted inside of his head. After booting up, Abaddon was sent a list of targets to go after comprised of Kryy, Jack Wernicke, Kelzad Oox and Sokar. He accepted all of them before heading out to complete the mission he had been assigned.


At some point Abaddon was imprisoned by Project Nexus inside Supermad Prison and placed in a cell with Awez. However, when a riot broke out across the prison Abaddon and Awez chose to use it as an opportunity to escape.

After the guard stationed near their cell goes off to go deal with the riot, Abaddon tells his cellmate that "the coast is clear" and uses a laser to slice through the spikes trapping them in the cell while Awez heads through a vent. Two security guards appear and attempt to stop Abaddon, but Abaddon kills them by firing laser beams at their heads. Abaddon then detects an "Improbability Blocker" in the next room and goes to destroy it. Heading into the room, Abaddon finds Jack Wernicke lying on the ground, having been neutralized by the Improbability Blocker. After killing the security guards guarding it, Abaddon destroys two of the tubes leading to the Improbability Blocker, causing it to overload and blow up. The destruction of the Improbability Blocker allows Improbability energy bolts to strike Jack and power him back up. As two more security guards try to stop them, Jack kills them before him and Abaddon head into the next room. Abaddon and Jack Wernicke enter an armory only to encounter a Mag Security Guard, who chases them out of the room. As this is happening, Awez is fighting his way through several security guards. Once they are all dead, Awez enters into the next room, where he finds Abaddon and Jack being chased by the Mag Security Guard. However, Jack points to a power line above them and Abaddon shoots it, triggering an explosion that kills the Mag security guard. The three then head out the exit and onto a docking bay, where they all get onto a motorboat and ride away as a pair of security guards and a A.S.U. Knight shoot at them. After Abaddon escaped Supermad Prison with Awez and Jack Wernicke, the three all went their separate ways, with Abaddon returning to the A.A.M.O. for repairs.

Abaddon, Jack, and Awez escaping the prison by boat.

Paradigmadness 2

Abaddon was one of the correspondents assisting in the transport of the package to its destination. He ascends the side of a building where the next checkpoint is. After killing a uniformed Eye Monster guarding the balcony, Abaddon shoots through the door, killing two more uniformed Eye Monsters before proceeding inside the building. He encounters an Elite Eye Monster but is able to kill it with little effort. Moving on to the next room, Abaddon kills another uniformed Eye Monster and an elite Eye Monster with his gun and a laser from his visor respectively. Another Eye Monster enters but Abaddon kills it by ripping out its eye before moving onward to the next room. As Abaddon exits however a demonic Eye Monster arises from mysterious markings drawn on the ground.

In the next room, Abaddon prepares to stab a uniformed Eye Monster only for it to be killed when the package hits it. Abaddon picks up the package to deliver it to its next correspondent but right after eyes a grunt stabbed to the wall with swirly markings drawn in blood around. As he hears pounding coming from the door he came from, Abaddon proceeds outside onto the balcony. As he prepares to throw the package he has spikes shot through his head by the demonic Eye Monster. As Abaddon prepares to leap a spike is shot through his head that causes him to fall off. His body landed near the next correspondent, Kryy, successfully delivering the package to its next checkpoint.

Abaddon, fractions of a second before catching a second bolt to the brain.


Since Abaddon's body is fully cybernetic, this allows for remarkable versatility and combat optimization to suit his needs. His plated exterior allows for super resistance against most medium to high-caliber firearms, although he is susceptible to shots from railgun weaponry as seen in Paradigmadness 2.

In terms of offensive abilities, his eyepiece is able to fire a concentrated blast of energy, vaporizing flesh and melting through metal plating with relative ease even when fired with a relatively short charging time. His eyepiece can change its firing mode to suit the target or situation to a T, ranging from lower-concentrated Incinerator-type blasts that sears flesh from foes, to a highly-concentrated beam that can cut clean through concrete and steel. Given the fact that Abaddon has access to a halo, there are likely many more abilities that have yet to be shown off and will likely be demonstrated in future appearances.