Zalmamdar Oox

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File:Zalmamdar Oox.jpg

Zalmamdar Oox is a major character in the REALM series. He is a scientist working for the A.A.H.W. and the creator and "father" of Kelzad Oox. He also appears to be the head of the agency's Accelerated Training Program. While affiliating himself with the agency, Zalmamdar secretly plots to overthrow the organization's benefactors The Employers, who imprisoned the entity known as the High and stole its powers.

His left hand is mechanical, having severed his original left hand in order to properly interact with the Halo and various Probability-Electricity related devices without getting killed, as well as to create Kelzad and the other ATP clones from it.



Episode 1: Project 00X

Zalmamdar makes his debut in the first episode of the series, where he is seen commanding some agents to check out the cloning chambers, where Kelzad and Yeelon have escaped from their vats. Zalmamdar orders the agents to fire upon the duo, but they escape. He's later seen trying to convince the duo after being cornered by a squad of ATP Engineers before Yeelon cuts Kelzad's head in half and floats out of the room.

Episode 2: Project M3KYR

Zalmamdar orders the ATP Engineers to retrieve Kelzad's dead body. He later subjects Kelzad to a surgery, where his green, uni-goggled eyepiece is applied and his head is reconstituted before Kelzad is sent to an arena, where he's put to training against other agency subjects.

Zalmamdar makes one last appearance in the episode commanding a squad of agents and engineers, saving Kelzad from Yeelon. After fending off Yeelon, Kelzad and Zalmamdar make peace and return to the Science Tower.

Episode 3: Fraternization

Zalmamdar leads Kelzad to The Crib, where he gives Kelzad the chargers, a pair of electric weapons designed to fight the Employers. He instructs Kelzad to put on some gear and makes his way out of the room. He re-enters the room shortly after Kelzad has geared up to announce that there's problems at the base of the tower. The two make their way out of the room, where Zalmamdar commands two agents to check out what's going on. He tells Kelzad that something is happening to the top floor, just before the structure falls down right beside them outside the window.

The two exit the room and soon discover a bunch of Possesed agents attacking the two agents from earlier. Kelzad disposes of most of the possesed agents and cripples one, which Zalmamdar finishes off with a punch to the head with his mechanical hand, turning the possesed agent's head into a pulp. He arms himself with a revolver and proceeds to the next room, where he briefly encounters a soon-to-be-killed friendly agent and kills some more possesed agents and an engineer. He is escorted by Kelzad on the next rooms, the latter clearing it from possesed agents as they push forward throughout three more rooms, where Zalmamdar chooses to split up.

Episode 4: Illuviation

Zalmamdar reappears halfway through the episode, commanding an agent and engineer to support Kelzad against a wave of possesed agents. When Yeelon shows up again and disarms the group, both agent and engineer are killed and the camera focuses on Kelzad being pulled out of the room, leaving Zalmamdar's fate uncertain for the remainder of the episode.

Episode 5: Revelation

Zalmamdar is revealed to have been fighting his way through the Science Tower after starting a revolution movement against the agency's original plan and regrouping with a pair of engineers, who are the first engineers to don Zalmamdar's mark (a yellow staple on the engineer mask's front). The squad proceeds into the next room, where they kills some more possesed agents and confront an agent with telekinesis and glowing glasses who kills Zalmamdar's cohorts. Zalmamdar flees as he's pursued by two more glowing-shade agents, fighting off a few possesed agents on the way. He is then cornered, disarmed and about to be apprehended by the agents until one of them turns against the other two. Osiris soon makes an appearance, offering a mutually-benefitial deal with Zalmamdar.

The two discuss Kelzad's low chances of defeating Sokar and Osiris's motivations to help them before he returns to his brethen.

Zalmamdar's influence on the agency is showcased during Sokar's monologue, where it is shown that grunts, agents and engineers are unlisting the l33t crew and are joining Zalmamdar's men, sporting new colors and a new purpose. Zalmamdar's followers retreat to an unespecified location, where Zalmamdar and Osiris supervise their arrival.

Other Animation Appearances

Incident 022A

In this non-canon, alternate timeline animation, Zalmamdar's plan is put to the test earlier, before Yeelon's awakening. He sends a message instructing all ATP units to turn against the non-ATP agents, starting a mass-scale infighting within one of the agent's facilities. He has also fit Kelzad as a proper soldier, who clears an entire command center room and sends a message to comfirm the success of the plan's step.

In the remastered version, Zalmamdar is seen observing the horizon from within the Science Tower, where he receives Kelzad's message and proceeds outside. He is stopped mid-way by the presence of Yeelon in his vat, asking him what he desires.

Green Pepper 25,000 Subscribers Collab

Zalmamdar is seen awaiting for a keycard from the hands of an N51 Officer. The Officer arrives and delivers the keycard, which he uses to unlock a gate for Kelzad to face off against Yeelon, who was being held inside.


Zalmamdar makes a short appearance reviving Valmet, the warden of Supermad Prison, after he was weakened in combat by Guglia and beheaded by Eshio riding a scooter. Zalmamdar injects Valmet's beheaded corpse with a syringe. He's not seen for the rest of the animation.

Madness: Maxification

Zalmamdar is featured shortly in this animation, where he's seen smoking a cigarrete before the wall behind him blows up, killing him.


Zalmamdar Oox wears a lab coat with a pocket and a keycard in it, round, yellow glasses and sports a grey moustache. His left hand is mechanical, as the original one was cut to produce Kelzad and the other ATP clones in the REALM series.

In Madness: JAILBREAK he's shown having a large scar going across his right eye. The cause of this scar in said animation remains unknown.


JAILBREAK: Fall of Helios Archived Clips Compilation