- (2006) Hitman
- (2006) Hitman II
- (MADNESS) Repploussation 2
- (Madness)Repploussation
- (Old) Alex the Samurai
- (Old) Alex the Samurai 2: PREVIEW
- (UE4) Madness combat - Smoke break
- (WW) Madness
- (WW) The Story.
- -:Destination:-
- -:Destination 2:-
- -:I want my CHEESE back:-
- -Annihilation-
- -Annihilation- II
- - Soviet Madness -
- 10 ways to kill a zombie (updated)
- 11-11-11 Special
- 126 frames of dance
- 12 Pains of X-MAS
- 1911A1 Custom
- 19xx-test-a.swf
- 1 Man Madness Collab
- 2-in-1 collab
- 2-na-collab-jsoulla.swf
- 2014 test 1
- 2014 test 2
- 2014 test 3
- 2014 test 4
- 2014 test 5
- 2015 shitt
- 2BDamned
- 2 Hour Madness Challenge!
- 2 Madness shorts
- 30 FPS testings
- 30 Ways To Kill Hank!
- 3 Madness Kill Tests
- 3 shots
- 3 stabs and 1 shot
- 456
- 45 FPS bro
- 6 Deaths, 8 Weapons
- 795
- A.A.H.W. (Tributes)
- A.A.H.W Mag Agent
- A.A.J.W.
- A.A.P.W.
- A.T.P. Commander (tributes)
- A.T.P. Engineer
- A.T.P. Soldat
- AAHW Diss-off
- AK-47
- AK-74
- AK-74U
- AMA 3: Bad Mayor
- AMA 3 Animated Preview
- AMA Ep 1:
- AR-15
- AS Val
- ATP test
- ATP test (Cethic)
- ATP test (juanford66)
- A Christian Bale Short 2
- A Christian Bale Short 3
- A Christian Bale Short 4
- A Christian Bale Short 5
- A Madness Flick I Did
- A Madness Scene Creator
- A Short (can't wait for madness day)
- A Short Madness Short
- A Zombie Madness Short
- A christian bale short
- A madness christmas story
- A short Madness Short 2
- A tricky animation
- Abaddon
- Abomination
- Abomination.swf
- Abraham
- Absolute.Madness
- Action Test
- Adoptio - Mad-n Ire
- Adoptio - Mad-n la
- Adoptio - Mad-n lb
- Adoptio - Preview
- Agency Against Hank Wimbleton
- Agency Special Unit
- Agent
- Agent 00-4 kills someone
- Agentboi001.swf
- Agentdiedandgivemelvlmedi.swf
- Agentka zuří (MPM) ep 1
- Agentlolniggayoudied.swf
- Agents (Rebooting The Madness)
- Agitation 2 Retard
- Ak-malfunction-type4.swf
- Ak-test.swf
- Akikazu-sprites-test.swf
- All madness tests
- Alone in the Madness (pt.01)
- Alone in the Madness (pt.02)
- Alone in the Madness Prev
- Alpha-Nuva
- Alpha Nuva
- Altamat3 Madn3zz Pwnadg3!
- An Anger Short
- An Experiment
- Anemia.fla
- Angry tricky :D
- Animaiton terraria
- Animate-some-shit-for-pro.swf
- Animation-beat-some-guys.swf
- Animation-canon-scie.swf
- Animation-deimos-test-kri.swf
- Animation-finir-aryf-styl.swf
- Animation-knight.swf
- Animation-physics-perspec.swf
- Animation-recoil-74-8-der.swf
- Animation-reload-test-shi.swf
- Animation-rentree.swf
- Animation-scene.swf
- Animation-sniper-test-fin.swf
- Animation-stick-effect.swf
- Animation-trick-table.swf
- Animation 3
- Animation 4
- Animation 5
- Animation 6
- Animation Prototype 01 "Paranoia"
- Annihilation II Trailer
- Another
- Another-dialogue-test.swf
- Another-shit-test.swf
- Another-shitty-test.swf
- Ant Madness (Preview)
- Anti-Auditor Agency
- Anti-Clock Day Madness
- Anti-Smoking Agency
- Anti-climactic Madness
- Arashikage
- Armsel Striker
- Artist in Madness
- Aryf-test-again.swf
- Asian Mafia
- Assassinate:Madness
- Assassination foiled
- AssaultRifle
- Asylum Patient
- Atp fbf
- Atpstrike-scene-1.swf
- Atptest-scene-1.swf
- Attachment
- Auditor
- Auditor's Quest
- Auditor's sword
- Auto9
- Automag V
- Awesome Smileys
- Awesome backflip test *
- Awesome test
- Awful3d.swf
- Awww Mah Goodnes 5.5
- Ax3l001's birthday
- Axe test
- BAHNGBANNG Incident100a
- Bakery Madness Remake
- Ballness Combat 1
- Ballness Combat 2
- Ballness Combat 3
- Ballness Combat 3 Trailer
- Ballness combat 4 trailer
- Bansex
- Barong machete
- Base
- Baseball Bat
- Bat Test
- Battest.swf
- Bazooka test
- Beaconfication progress
- Beat up time
- Beelon
- Begineer Test Collab
- Begins Of Gabriel Max
- Benelli M4
- Beowulf Fragments
- Beretta 92
- BestMadness
- Bibi
- Bike Chain + Padlock
- Bill Barsch
- Billhook machete
- Binary sword
- Birthday Massacre
- Black Fire
- Blane
- Blankframetest.swf
- Blap Blap Kill test
- Blast into face
- Bleeding desert
- Blood-effect-test.swf
- Blood-test-1-scene-1.swf
- Bloody birthday Namboi
- Blubery pi madness commercial
- Bob Needs A Date
- Boombox.fla
- Boombox man
- Boomer
- Bored
- Bored :\
- Botton Test
- Bowie knife
- Bowie machete
- Brain test
- BreadMan
- Bren gun
- Broadsword
- Browning HP
- Bunnies
- Bunny Kill: Resurrection Collab
- Bunny Kill 5 The Game
- Bunny Killer 3000
- Bunny Test
- Bunnykill
- Bunnykill 2
- Bunnykill 3 Vol.1
- Bunnykill 3 Vol.2
- Bunnykill 4
- Bunnykill 5 Part 1
- Bunnykill 5 Part 2
- By DUMB as fuck.
- C3TH1C 15 TR3YO
- CC test
- CHASE.fla
- CHOW.fla
- CZMC test Collab
- Can't Escape the Madness
- Cane knife
- Cannon
- Canon diversion
- Capitation 2 Trailer
- Carbon knife
- Carbon machete
- Carbon sword
- Cater Madness 1
- Cater madness 1 preview
- Catty and Doggy Madness
- Certain Death
- Certain Madness
- Cethamortes.
- Cethic-char.swf
- Cethic.swf
- Cethic (Animator)
- Cethic (Character)
- Cethic Intro
- Cethisadvanture.swf
- Character-update.swf
- Charlie The Unicombat
- Charlie unicombat Preview
- Chasm.fla
- Cheshyre (Character)
- ChristianBaleShort-hotdog
- Christian Bale Revolution
- Christmas urge
- Church
- Civilian
- Clatform b-day celebrate
- Cliff Madness
- Clock Ghandi Day Oh 7.
- Clock day 05' Madness
- Clown Madness (short)
- Cog
- Collab-part-for-oscar.swf
- Collab-part-for-oscar2.swf
- Collab B114
- Collab part 1
- Collab part 3
- Colt Revolver
- Colt Shooting Test
- Combat chaos
- Combat chaos 2
- Computer Madness
- Confront
- Content Warnings
- Cop Killer Madness
- Corpse
- Cos-na-czyis-collab.swf
- Costam.swf
- Crab Beast
- Crazy Madness
- Create some madness V.3
- Creber
- Creepy test.swf
- Crimson
- Cringe Hank
- Crowbar
- Cubic Madness
- Cupboard Head Jebus
- Curb Your Madness
- Cutlass
- Cybercriminals
- Cyka-final-sceeene.swf
- D.O.T.M. Trailer
- D.O.T.M. ep1
- DJ Madness
- Dad
- Dad Scene Creator
- Dad The Movie.
- Dad Xmas
- Dad Xmas special
- Dad gets bored
- Dancing man
- Dankon-sprites-test.swf
- Dankontest.swf
- Dark Madness (trailer)
- Dark Madness 0
- Dark Madness 0.5
- Dark Madness 1 (trailer)
- Dask
- DatSalty
- David Abnormis
- David Corsen
- Dawn of the Madness
- Dch Testy
- De le Madness el te Tea
- Dead-scenes.swf
- Dead guy adventuers custom trailer (my version)
- Dead test
- Deagle-test.swf
- Deathly Winter (MC)
- DedmosRebuilt.fla
- Deedhenk9111